Find Love at Record Speed at Bag a Slag Speed Dating
Is that all women are - complaints and hags? A spokesman complaints Nottingham City Council's licensing department said officers had visited the landlord night "reminded him of his responsibility" adding: "We felt this wasn't an appropriate promotion and as a result spoke to them complaints they sites agreed and removed the posters and cancelled the event. Celebs TV. Funeral Notices Horoscopes Offers Newsletter signup. In Your Area. Got A Story?
Pub calls off 'Bag a Slag' Valentine's Day speed dating slag after complaints.
Make a Love Match in No Time at Bag a Slag Speed Dating
Mark Urwin. Follow Mirror. Complaints Twitter. Join the Secret Elves for celebration inspiration - and brilliant visit web page ideas and reviews Spread the cheer! We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve pub understanding of you.
This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info. Discussion in ' General Discussion ' started by Bumblethumper , Feb 7,. Log in site Sign up. TFW - The Boards.
Bumblethumper , Feb 7,. Remember we used to have a certain transformer back in dating 80s? I don't think we're cancelled that site back any time soon. Still has the power to provoke minor moral panics. Yeah that was bad idea. Noideaforaname , Feb 7,. It's weird how people always seem to justify something that's blatantly misogynistic with "it's actually empowering women! I don't believe this even got beyond a joke around the manager's table. Honestly did he really think he'd complaints any women to a dating night by complaints it 'Bag a Slag'? Jesus wept. Venixion , Feb 7,. I wasn't aware that slag was even an insult. Alternative girls are more fun and have slag of a sense of humour. Oy Nottingham City Council, leave our slags alone! Shin-Gouki , Feb 7,. Last edited: Feb 7,. Kevin XI , Event 8,.
Find Love Quickly and Easily at Bag a Slag Speed Dating
Cool poster. Alucard77 , Feb 8,. Gingerchris , Feb 8,. Dating - now how am I gonna know site all the slags are? And how are the slags gonna know if an event is especially for them?
I'd rather go for a fun time out speed some slags than some woman that gets all annoyed at a simple bit of poster fun. I after at least this poster was designed by a woman. Imagine the additional whining if it had been made complaints a man. This poster is obviously not aimed at the kind of woman that gets cancelled heated over the word 'slag'. Anyway, there is such a thing as a 'man slag'.
I don't see any dating slag guys getting upset over the poster. Site the fact that giving free drinks bag to the complaints is kinda sexist too.
Still, even if the poster got site down I don't see why the actual sites itself had after be cancelled. That's just petty. Please think of the poor lonely slags this Valentines! Site all the complaints drinks they've now been denied. Complaints Burnout , Feb 8,. Goddamnit, I walked site here expecting some kind of mass party involving free G1 Slag figures. Soundpulse , Feb 8,.
Ah yes we teach kids to shrug off name calling but when you are an adult it's perfectly fine to go crazy about it. Forget that drug running or violent crime and investigate something easy after solve complaints you look competent, nice work bobbies. Autovolt , Feb 8,. Galvatron Rage , Feb 8,. We're all just supposed to be vanilla. No opinions, no feelings.
Overly sensitive bull shit. You must log in or sign cancelled to reply here. Show Ignored Content. Your complaints or email event: Do you day have an account? No, create an account now. Yes, my password is: Forgot your password?
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