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London 2012 Games

On your marks, get set, eat! Tea at the Capital Hotel

It may not be what the athletes are eating, but the...

World Flags displayed along London’s historic Regent’s Street

Regent Street prepares for the summer celebrations with a display of...

London 2012: 6 Tips to Save Money During the Olympics

If you're planning on being in London during the London 2012...

New Olympic exhibition opens at the Household Cavalry Museum, Horse Guards Parade

The Household Cavalry Museum adds to the capital’s ever-increasing Olympic excitement...

London 2012 Decorations Around London Unveiled

The decorations that will adorn London from now until the London...

London Alert: The Mall to be Effectively Closed for 3 Months This Summer

The Mall is usually the center of major events in London...

London 2012: A Video Tour of the Nearly Completed Olympic Park

Jonathan Edwards gives us an update of the progress of all...

London 2012: How the Olympics are Changing London’s East End

Forget regeneration, new jobs and more children taking up long jump,...

London to get World’s Largest Free Wifi Zone in Time for the Olympics

This is great news for travellers to London in 2012 -...

London 2012: Visit Britain Releases New Aerial Shots of the Olympic Area

Our friends at Visit Britain have released a series of new...

London 2012: Posters by Britain’s Top Artists Released for London 2012

London 2012 has released a series of 12 posters for the...

Splash of colour for the Olympic Park as striking central bridge is completed

A splash of colour and a striking new piece of architecture...

London 2012: Measuring the Economic Impact of the 2012 Olympic Games

Check out this really cool infographic of the economic impact to...

New London Cable Car Gets a Name – The Emirates Air Line

The London Government has successfully sold the naming rights two it's...

London 2012: New Westfield Mall in Stratford will now be the Official Olympic Mall

The owners of the new Stratford City mall have secured the...

London 2012: Floating Walkway Planned for Thames

Another week, another strange public works project in the cards for...

London 2012 Releases Pictures of the Parkland in Bloom

London 2012 has released some fun pictures on their Facebook page...

Let the London 2012 Price Gouging Begin

Despite their best efforts to prevent it, the free market is...

London 2012: Authorities Release CGI Images of Some Venues

The London Olympic Organizing Committee has released some stunning computer generated...

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Language: Top 100 Cockney Rhyming Slang Words and Phrases

Hot on the heels of our success with our...

The Top Ten Hostels in London – Best London Hostels

Editor's Note: This is a guest post from the...

Guest Post: The Top 5 Most Amazing Hotels in London – The Best Hotels in London

Editor's Note: The following is a guest post from...

London and the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution changed the world forever.  The coming...

The London American – Disability in the City

When I arrived, I noticed a lot of people...

An imperial dream on horseback – Spanish Horses in London

The Spanish Riding School of Vienna is bringing its...

The London American Expresses Love for Pubs

I know I've already posted about pubs, but I...

Great Londoners: Dick Turpin – The Legendary Highwayman

Dick Turpin was a notorious figure in 18th-century England,...

What was London like in the Middle Ages? Life in Medieval London

London in the Middle Ages was a bustling, lively...