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London FAQ: Should You Spring for a Hotel in Central London or Stay Further Afield and Save?

Editor's Note: This is the first in an ongoing series on...

The London American: A Guide to London and Its Airports

I thought about titling this "London and Her Airports," but I...

The London American – the National Health Service

Sorry for the break, Londontopia readers – I have been ill....

The London American – Disability in the City

When I arrived, I noticed a lot of people hobbling around...

The London American – Smoking in London

Growing up in the 90s, I was taught to believe that...

The London American Watches the Royal Wedding

Here is the image a kid growing up in America has...

The London American’s Guide to Letters

We all know that back in the days before Internet, it...

The London American Takes a Vacation to America

The London American is back in the U.S. this week, enjoying...

The London American – What to Wear in London? Guide to London Fashion

Everyone knows that London is a fashionable city. It is quite...

The London American – How to Be a Pedestrian in London (and Where to Go)

I love to walk in London. It’s so wonderful to see...

The London American: Eating British at Home

One thing I've noticed while grocery shopping here is the abundance...

Introducing The London American – How to Become a British American

Editor's Note: We'd like to welcome our first official London-based columnist...

Current Exchange Rates

USD - United States Dollar


Language: Top 100 Cockney Rhyming Slang Words and Phrases

Hot on the heels of our success with our...

The London American Expresses Love for Pubs

I know I've already posted about pubs, but I...

London and the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution changed the world forever.  The coming...

London Histories: A Look Number 10 Downing Street – Home of Britain’s Prime Ministers – Long Read

Inspiration for new articles comes from many places, and...

Great London Buildings: St. Pancras International Railway Station – A Victorian Masterpiece Reborn for the 21st Century

A masterpiece of Victorian architecture, St. Pancras has served...

Catalog of Humanity: 10 Interesting Facts and Figures about the British Museum You Probably Didn’t Know

The British Museum is one of the world’s foremost...

15 Most Beautiful Historic London Churches To Visit

London is home to many historic churches that offer...

Buck House: A History of Buckingham Palace – Long Read

Editor's Note: You're going to want to brew a...