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History: Picture Gallery – The Great Fire of London and Its Affect of London’s Development

Many cities have events that define and alter their histories forever,...

Pictures: Beautiful and Ghostly HDR Images of London

For Friday - I thought it would be fun to put...

The London American: Eating British at Home

One thing I've noticed while grocery shopping here is the abundance...

Guest Post: The Coolest Products from the London Peculiar Store

Editor's Note: The following is a guest post from the folks...

Introducing The London American – How to Become a British American

Editor's Note: We'd like to welcome our first official London-based columnist...

Cable Car Across the Thames Faces New Delays

According to the London Politics Blog The Scoop, London Mayor Boris...

Welcome to Londontopia!

As with most Anglophiles, my passion for Britain started with London....

What is Londonism? The Economist Investigates

London has a special place in global geography and recently, the...

Biggest Tax Cheat in London: The USA Embassy

For those that don't know, London has a congestion toll for...

Fancy Owning a Disused Tube Station? Former Shorditch Station for Sale

It doesn't look pretty but if you fancy owning a piece...

Top 11 Myths Americans Generally Believe about London and Londoners

Editor's Note: Before anyone gets too offended by this post -...

A Peek Inside London’s Most Expensive Flat – £140 Million Cheap

The most expensive flat in London has recently been completed. Located...

Fun London: Tube Stations Built from Legos

I love legos and I really love seeing the amazing things...

London Hotels: Top Tips For Booking Your Hotel Room – Guide to London Hotel Realities

Okay, so you've decided to take a trip to London. After...

Current Exchange Rates

USD - United States Dollar


Language: Top 100 Cockney Rhyming Slang Words and Phrases

Hot on the heels of our success with our...

London and the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution changed the world forever.  The coming...

London Histories: A Look Number 10 Downing Street – Home of Britain’s Prime Ministers – Long Read

Inspiration for new articles comes from many places, and...

The London American Expresses Love for Pubs

I know I've already posted about pubs, but I...

Buck House: A History of Buckingham Palace – Long Read

Editor's Note: You're going to want to brew a...

Great London Buildings: St. Pancras International Railway Station – A Victorian Masterpiece Reborn for the 21st Century

A masterpiece of Victorian architecture, St. Pancras has served...

How London Changed During the Victorian Period

The 19th Century was a time of great change...

Great London Buildings: The Palace of Westminster – The Houses of Parliament

Unquestionably one of the dominating features of the London...

10 Interesting Facts and Figures about Oxford Street

London is a city full of history, culture, and...