A Civil Defense Warden keeps a watchful eye over London during World War II.
LIFE Magazine (remember that?) published these beautiful and haunting pictures of a London at War back in the 1940’s. The destruction that London experienced is heartbreaking. But Londoners endured and I don’t need to tell you who won.
London Burns After a German Bombing Raid
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That last linE “you don´t need to be reminded who won” is a bit over the top. It speaks ill about crowds who chant “two world wars and one world cup” while getting thoroughly trashed on the pitch. In terms of mindsets, it´s clear who actually won.
That’s not the meaning we mean to convey, but OK.
I didn’t take it that way at all. The comment made me smile inside, because freedom won, and that’s a good thing.
What are you talking about? Soccer games?
Over the top?! An odd statement. We need to remember, and pass into the generations ahead the great triumph our two countries achieved together over the black madness of an evil regime. Let it not be forgotten, I say.
Where is my bloody comment?
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As post-war children growing up in Birmingham we would often play on the abandoned bomb sites – scary when I think back now and recall all the UXB’s that there were even up into the 60’s! 😀
remember it so well, playing on the bombsites, and when the siren sounded, you went to the shelter, and said “God bless them if they are English if they are Gerries bring them down” Amen. Then we wouldl all sing songs and wait for the all clear. then run out to see if your house was still standing. Sad times, but happy memories regardless.
Good Lord, Antonio. Get a grip. You are looking to find offense.
Thanks – he needs that reminder!
You missed seeing the fire, the smell, hearing the bombs drop, the lack of food, water and other utilities. You missed that your husband or your boyfriend was dead. The wounded returning.. (very few did)… I hope for greater respect…
Living in the east end of London, eight years old,remember putting sand over incendiary bombs. Collecting shrapnel after a raid,and surviving a strafing run by a messerschmit 109.
remember it so very well, mum as buried under the bricks for two days, she was saved because she was in a lift when the building got bombed, the lift saved her and another lady in the lift.
On your bike, Antonio !
The heart and will of the British people at that time just amazes me. What they went through, and to keep holding on is incredible. If that island had fallen…. The world owes them such gratitude, a thank you will never be enough.
That last linE “you don´t need to be reminded who won” is a bit over the top. It speaks ill about crowds who chant “two world wars and one world cup” while getting thoroughly trashed on the pitch. In terms of mindsets, it´s clear who actually won.
That’s not the meaning we mean to convey, but OK.
I didn’t take it that way at all. The comment made me smile inside, because freedom won, and that’s a good thing.
What are you talking about? Soccer games?
Over the top?! An odd statement. We need to remember, and pass into the generations ahead the great triumph our two countries achieved together over the black madness of an evil regime. Let it not be forgotten, I say.
Where is my bloody comment?
All new comments go into a moderation queue.
As post-war children growing up in Birmingham we would often play on the abandoned bomb sites – scary when I think back now and recall all the UXB’s that there were even up into the 60’s! 😀
remember it so well, playing on the bombsites, and when the siren sounded, you went to the shelter, and said “God bless them if they are English if they are Gerries bring them down” Amen. Then we wouldl all sing songs and wait for the all clear. then run out to see if your house was still standing. Sad times, but happy memories regardless.
Good Lord, Antonio. Get a grip. You are looking to find offense.
Thanks – he needs that reminder!
You missed seeing the fire, the smell, hearing the bombs drop, the lack of food, water and other utilities. You missed that your husband or your boyfriend was dead. The wounded returning.. (very few did)… I hope for greater respect…
Living in the east end of London, eight years old,remember putting sand over incendiary bombs. Collecting shrapnel after a raid,and surviving a strafing run by a messerschmit 109.
remember it so very well, mum as buried under the bricks for two days, she was saved because she was in a lift when the building got bombed, the lift saved her and another lady in the lift.
On your bike, Antonio !
The heart and will of the British people at that time just amazes me. What they went through, and to keep holding on is incredible. If that island had fallen…. The world owes them such gratitude, a thank you will never be enough.