The Estorick Collection is a hidden gem in London that is a must-see for anyone interested in modern Italian art.
Nearest Tube Stations: Angel
Is it free?: Yes, it's free.
God’s Own Junkyard is a unique and vibrant neon wonderland located in Walthamstow, London. This quirky and eclectic space is
Is it free?: Yes, it's free.
Suggested Visit Duration: 1-2 hours
Leighton House is a magnificent mansion located in the heart of London that was once the home of the famous
Is it free?: No, it has an admission charge.
Suggested Visit Duration: 1-2 hours
Located in the heart of London, the Banqueting House is one of the most iconic buildings in the city. Built
The London Sewing Machine Museum is a hidden gem of a museum located in the heart of London. The museum
Is it free?: Yes, it's free.
Suggested Visit Duration: 1-2 hours