The Science Museum is a world-renowned museum located in South Kensington, London. It is one of the three major museums
Nearest Tube Stations: South Kensington
Is it free?: Yes, it's free.
Suggested Visit Duration: 1-2 hours
The Millennium Bridge in London is a popular pedestrian bridge that spans the River Thames. Built to celebrate the year
The Tower of London is an iconic attraction located on the banks of the beautiful Thames River in London. It
Is it free?: No, it has an admission charge.
Suggested Visit Duration: 2-3 hours
London is a city full of attractions and activities for every type of traveler, but sometimes it’s nice to get
Nearest Tube Stations: Regent’s Park
Is it free?: No, it has an admission charge.
Suggested Visit Duration: 2-3 hours
The Churchill Cabinet War Rooms is a must-visit attraction for anyone interested in history, particularly the events surrounding World War
Is it free?: No, it has an admission charge.
Suggested Visit Duration: 2-3 hours