7 Tips on How to Exercise With Your Pet


    We often don’t get enough opportunities to exercise in our busy lives. Sure, it is true for most of us. The endless cycle of house chores and work can completely drain our energy. However, all the pet owners out there know that the time for exercising and time for your pets can be combined. Thus, you get to be productive with your time while being a good friend to your pets. It is a perfect combination. Of course, if you decide to exercise with your pets, you need to know a few ground rules on how to do it. First of all, you need to take care of your health and be smart about your new exercise routines. Second, you need to think about your pet. Not all dog breeds are made for running, just as not all of them would love to help you exercise. Let’s see some tips on how to exercise with your pet the smart way. Here we go.

    1. Going on a hike

    Perhaps hiking is one of the most obvious and accessible ways to exercise. It is free, easy, and can be adjusted to everyone’s needs. If you and your pet are new to hiking, here’s what you need to know. First things first, find the right shoes. Hiking boots are not just essential for your comfort, but they are the key element to your safety on the route. Also, think of trekking poles if you choose a stiff road. They will decrease the pressure on your knees. When you go hiking with your pet, you need to take care of their safety as well. Don’t forget the water bowl. Staying hydrated is important for both of you. If you have a short-legged breed, don’t go for heights. Your dog won’t be able to climb.

    1. Visit a dog park regularly

    Dog parks can be the perfect alternatives to hiking. They are basically like a free playground for your dog. Don’t be fooled, though. You’ll have just as much exercising here as your dog. Your task in the park is to guide your pup through all the obstacles. Depending on the park, it can be a very vast territory. Running just a few laps around it will be similar to jogging in a stadium. Also, always have a treat on you when you go to a dog park. Choose something from the top rated dog foods, so your pup will know they are in the park for a treat. Literally, rewards are very important elements to secure positive behavior. However, you want to have healthy snacks, so you won’t undermine the whole point of exercising in the first place.

    1. Do yoga at home

    Recently, doing doga is becoming more and more popular. Surely, it is an interesting way to try exercising with a pet. If you already know how to do yoga, you can roll your yoga mat in the room and invite your pet to join you. Of course, at first, it may get complicated. Though, after a few practices, your dog will understand the drill. Also, to our experience, yoga attracts not just dogs but cats as well. Surely you can’t teach your cat yoga, but they will “exercise” in their own style by hanging on your legs or trying to catch your ponytail in the air.

    1. Have a long walk around the city

    Exercising can take various forms. Going on a long walk can be one of those forms. It is quite a pleasant and almost effortless way to exercise. You should take your dog on a walk to keep you company. Also, a long walk can be very beneficial to your dog’s health, just as it is for yours.

    1. Go for a swim

    Swimming is another great way to exercise with your dog. Most dogs love water, and they are naturally great swimmers, so you won’t face much resistance from their side. Swimming is great for several reasons. Spending more time in the water is recommended for most people. It is an easy exercise with multiple health benefits. It is great for your back muscles, posture, shoulder pain, and even your heart and digestive organs. For all the same reasons, swimming is great for your dogs as well. You can go to a beach or seek a pool open for dogs and their owners.

    1. Going for a run

    Of course, if you are a jogger, you can easily take your dog with you if their breed allows it. Not all breeds can participate in long runs due to their anatomy. However, if your dog can take it, you should run with them. It is a great exercise for large breeds who need heavy exercise. Also, if you run on a treadmill at home, you can encourage your cat to try it. Only at a slow speed and with supervision, of course. Meanwhile, you can check some cat product reviews, to advance their diet according to their new exercise routine.

    1. Have some fun together

    Exercising can be light and fun. If it’s a rainy day or you feel tired, just dedicate 15 minutes for a play. Fetch a ball, tease them with some toys or run around the house. Exercising should be fun for your pets, just as much as they are fun for you.