Getting rid of pests from your home this Summer


    Autumn is here, and Summer isn’t too far off. With the rising temperatures and ever-increasing heat, household pests start popping up from all nooks and crannies. These pests tend to venture inside your home more often than not. Roaches, spiders, mice, moths, rats, wasps, ants, and houseflies, are just a few incredibly annoying pests that seem to consider your home their summer getaway.

    While most of these pests are seasonal, there are some that love to make your homes their permanent domiciles. The easy availability of food, protection from the elements, and easy access to the external environment are just some of the incentives they consider promising. Most pests start multiplying when faced with favourable living conditions. While this is great for them, their regular occurrence not only causes health issues for us but also creates a deterioration of your home and property.

    You can easily protect your family and home in a few quick steps. We have a few tips and tricks for you to keep pests away from your home this Summer.

    Block Cracks and Crevices:

    Cockroaches love to take shelter in damp and dark spaces. Slugs tend to do the same. They hide during the day to avoid exposure and venture out in the night, spreading germs and diseases. Prevent their wanderings by closing up all gaps and crevices, small cracks, and holes around drains and faucets. Most window linings and door crevices also act as gateways for these pests.

    By blocking gaps near bathrooms, sinks, kitchens, gardens, and patios help prevent pests like roaches, snails, and slugs from entering your homes. Check out London pest control company. Covering these cracks also protect your home from developing mould and damp, and help increase the insulation in your house.

    Keep the Damp Away:

    With all the viruses and bacteria floating around in the water and air, it is a good practice to prevent a build-up of damp and mould. Regularly open up your windows, ventilate the bathrooms, and clean out the kitchen. The mould and damp also work as a bug breeding ground. By keeping the damp away, you are effectively destroying the natural habitat of most pests.

    One excellent way to identify pests that arise due to dampness is to keep an eye out for wingless grey insects. While these silverfish insects are relatively harmless, they are an indicator of the growing damp in your home.

    Keep your Kitchen spotless:

    Use disinfectant and bleach to keep your kitchen platform and appliances clean. Flour moths, ants, slugs, roaches, and rodents love burrowing deep into the kitchen. Clear out all open food sources, and start keeping all the food covered at all times. Limiting the reach to food helps create an unfavourable environment for pests.

    Clean up water spills, detergent messes, and wipe down all surfaces every day to keep pests away from your home. Throwing away uneaten or rotten food in a sealed environment-safe garbage bag also helps in keeping the kitchen clean and preventing unwanted visitors.

    Keep your Pets Clean:

    Dogs, birds, turtles, cats, and other domestic pets and natural carriers of insects and small bugs. Ticks and flies also naturally gravitate to animals and birds. Fleas can bite humans and cause skin allergies, itchiness, and eczema. Ideally, take your pet to the vet every fortnight and get his/her paws and feathers cleaned. Doing this regularly not only helps keep their health up but also prevents unwanted pests from getting a free ride into your home.

    Bathe your pets regularly, and if you have fish or turtles at home, clean their water at least once every fortnight. Spray a disinfectant around the water tank or birdcage (pet-friendly), to ensure they stay safe from unwanted pests. If you have a cat or a dog, ensure you bathe them once a week, and dry them off completely. You can also add a tick powder or lotion to their nape to ensure they do not become carriers of any pests.

    Keep up with the Pest Control:

    A London pest control company can quickly help prevent pests from entering your home. A professional pest control company can easily identify problematic pests in your house and help fumigate and disinfect the entire area. Many professionals offer services in packages according to the number of pests that you need to get rid off.

    They help protect beds, appliances, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, living areas, hallways, stairs, garages, kids’ play areas, gardens, and even patios. Avail these benefits to keep your home pest-free and safe at all times.