Why your choice of hotel can make or break a trip


    Hotels are one of the most vital parts of the hospitality industry. Whether it is for business or leisure, much of a journey can hinge on where you choose to lay your head. Having a good base to work from is essential in any holiday as it can help you plan your trip and get the most out of your trip.

    It’s huge

    The hospitality industry is enormous, and after the events of the pandemic, it is an industry that is gradually beginning to find its feet again despite so much uncertainty over the last year. With over 700,000 hotels worldwide and 16.4 million rooms available, it is only a matter of time before business is booming again. Millions of people stay in hotels every year, and with restaurants and bar quite often attached to a hotel, quite often it is the latter that is keeping other parts of the industry going. Indeed, during the various lockdowns, it was staff staying in hotels that were keeping some of these businesses afloat, so without hotels, there is a chance that a number of restaurants could disappear. This doesn’t affect standalone restaurants and bars, though, as their business model is vastly different to that of branded hotels.

    Choices, choices

    Quite often, your choice of hotel can help to enhance a trip as having somewhere comfortable to stay can help provide that essential R&R. Without it, you could spend an entire trip feeling stressed and without having any real opportunity to unwind and de-stress. This is even more important when it comes to travelling for business, as you need that calm environment just to switch off front work. That’s why many companies will look at hotel chains where it comes to sending staff away on courses as they know what they are going to get with each brain, so, therefore, are far more trusting when it comes to parting with cash. This also works with customers as if someone likes a brand; they are inherently more likely to trust them long term.

    Break the monotony

    Staying in hotels long term for business can be difficult. You spend large amounts of time away from your family; it can be the same routine daily. Why not try finding a hobby to help alleviate the boredom, even if that involves just sticking the European Championships on. Betting companies have all sorts of offers to make the tournament a little more interesting, so why not try betting on the Euro 2021 champion? It could help to build just that extra bit of excitement, especially during some of the slower matches.

    Location, location

    Location also plays a part in the quality of a hotel. It is often better to be close to the centre of town why picking a hotel as it gives you a decent base to work from. Being more central can help when it comes to planning excursions as you have less travel to factor in, whilst it also means you aren’t too far from any other restaurants or bars. Make sure you have scouted out what is around before making a booking, or you could regret it.