Relationships can be truly wonderful, but equally they can be stressful. Usually, this is as a result of external factors. Taking the leap from simply dating to being in a relationship and then a serious relationship can be challenging. This article details the main hurdles that young couples will face and offers advice on how to overcome them.
Money can be a huge problem. Unless both parties earn substantial amounts, the imbalance will often rear its ugly head. If you live separately, this won’t be so evident. However, when living together, finances can be more problematic (see housing below). Avoid, if at all possible, borrowing or lending money from/to one another. Although it can be great to offer help to the other person, it can lead to a level of control and this is not desirable. When you live together, the rent or mortgage and bills will need to be shared between you. Perhaps, it would be useful to apply for a joint bank account together and you can each transfer a set amount into it once you have received your wages.
When it’s time to move in together, there are many things to take into account. Will you rent a property or buy somewhere? If you are considering renting, ask friends and family members for recommendations of landlords or letting agencies. If you’re hoping to buy, compare mortgages in advance at Doing this will ensure that you get the best possible deal for you. Finding the perfect place for the two of you is not the end though. Consider all of the furniture and appliances you will need to purchase in order to make your house a home. This links back to finances and ensuring that you are both able to contribute fairly.
One or both parties may suffer from some form of insecurity. This could be linked to appearance, trust, the genuine nature of the relationship, and a whole host of other issues. First of all, it is vital to be honest with your partner about how you’re feeling. Open dialogue is key to all areas of relationships. If you’re feeling left out, tell your partner. Whenever tackling something potentially upsetting, it is important to consider their feelings too and do it in a calm, gentle manner. If you say nothing, your negative feelings and concerns can build up and turn into a much bigger problem.
The next steps
If your relationship is happy and you can see yourselves being together forever, at some point, you may want to consider what is known to many as ‘the next steps’: marriage and parenthood. Are you both on the same wavelength when it comes to these things? Usually, we have firm ideas about whether we want to get married and have children, so it is rarely something on which you can compromise. Talk to one another about your future ambitions in these respects and ensure you do share the same end goals. Some couples feel it’s important to do things the traditional way and marry before children; others don’t see the point in waiting, though do still aim to marry in the future.