How to Choose the Correct Diet for Your Puppy


    Sometimes it can be confusing when choosing the correct diet for your puppy. This is because of the misinformation that continuously circulates about a puppy’s food. Also, you really don’t know when to feed the puppy with the variety of commercial and homemade food available.

    Knowing the food you should feed your pet is essential, primarily during the puppy’s first year after being born. Definitely, you want to feed the puppies the best food so that they can grow up in a healthy way and live a long life of exploring. Amid all the confusion about choosing the proper diet, you still have to get the right one to feed the puppy.

    The truth is, you cannot find the “best” diet for all puppies, even if they are of the same breed. The best diet depends on several individual factors.

    It is for these reasons you should go through the tips below to help you at least find the best food to suit your puppy’s needs.

    Choose Wisely the Food Brand

    It might be obvious that some companies produce puppy dog food depending on a researched recipe. They do not actually make any trials of feeding the food to actual dogs before they send them to pet stores.

    Therefore, you should go for a puppy food that has come from a pet food company that has undergone the AAFCO feeding trials. Pet food that has gone through these feeding trials means that they have been fed to dogs to ensure that they have no deficiencies.

    Be Cautious about Calories

    Puppy food should contain high calories than that of adults. This is to aid in compensating for the amount of energy the puppies use up as they grow, not forgetting how much they play.

    Almost half of the calories consumed by pets are used for tissue growth and development. It is therefore important to note that the food your puppy consumes provides them with enough nutrients to help them grow properly.

    Consider the Puppy Size

    Each food produced is formulated for a specific puppy size. For instance, there is a significant difference between the bone growth of a Great Dane and a Chihuahua puppy; hence you should not feed them the same food. The calcium and phosphorous ratio for food for a large breed puppy is specific to help their bones develop properly to aid in the prevention of joint diseases.

    Check the Size of Puppy Food

    You should consider the size of food designed for a puppy as well. You will find that the small-sized breeds of puppies may have difficulties eating large-sized food pieces. So, you should be mindful of food chunk sizes and look for the size of food that will suit your puppy.

    Consider Checking the Puppy Food Ingredients

    The ingredients in a puppy’s food play a huge role in its development, not forgetting how they are balanced. For example, a puppy’s nervous system relies on the essential fatty acid DHA. Puppy food should therefore have a higher amount of it than foods that are meant for adult dogs. This helps develop the brain, eyes and ears of a growing puppy.

    Research has shown that the puppies fed with diets with a high DHA have increased memory and can easily be trained. In addition, you can use CBD oil on your puppy dogs to improve their appetite if you find out they are not feeding on food as expected


    You can also check this article here to see the signs that your puppy is enjoying his or her meal.