Gen Z Dating Slang in 2024


    The dating world has seen an influx of new slang in recent years, particularly from the younger generation of Gen Z. As we enter 2024, it’s fascinating to see how these terms have become a part of everyday conversation within the dating community.


    You’re chatting with someone, and things seem to be going well, but then bam, they vanish. They block you on all platforms, leaving you wondering what went wrong. This isn’t just ghosting; it’s cloaking. You can’t see them, can’t contact them; they’ve put on an invisibility cloak.


    Just when you’ve gotten over the hurt of being ghosted, the person rises from the dead, sending a casual “Hey, what’s up?” as if nothing happened. They act as though disappearing for weeks, months, or even years is no big deal.


    Roaching refers to a person hiding the fact that they’re dating multiple people at the same time. The term comes from the saying, “where there’s one cockroach, there are many.” You might think it’s exclusive, but there’s a whole infestation you’re not aware of.

    Slow Fade

    It’s gradual, and maybe that’s why it hurts. You notice the texts becoming less frequent and the enthusiasm waning. Instead of ending things clearly, the person you’re dating slowly backs away, hoping you’ll get the hint without having to say anything directly.


    A “situationship” is undefined. It’s more than friends with benefits but less than a committed relationship. It’s all the intimacy without the titles or responsibilities. If you’re looking to steer clear of this gray area, it’s a good idea to completely avoid a situationship.


    Here, you’re in the game but not really playing. The person keeps you around, sends messages, and maybe occasionally hangs out, but there’s no progress. You’re a backup option, kept on the sidelines just in case their current focus doesn’t work out.


    Unlike ghosting, where they disappear completely, haunting involves them exiting your romantic life but still lurking around your social media. They watch your stories, like your posts, but never engage directly. It’s like they’re gone, but not really.


    It’s the digital equivalent of Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumb trail. You get bits and pieces—texts, likes, maybe a comment here and there. It’s enough to keep you interested but never enough to make things real.


    A step beyond haunting, orbiting happens when someone keeps you in their social media ‘orbit’ without actual communication. They’re all over your online presence, but avoid real-life interactions or direct messaging, creating confusion about their intentions.


    Even in relationships, some keep padding around—just in case. Cushioning means someone in a relationship maintains flirtatious contact with others to cushion the potential blow if the current relationship ends.


    Remember Clippy, the Microsoft Word assistant? Paperclipping is when someone keeps popping back into your life with no real intention of staying or committing. They just want to remind you they exist, like Clippy, popping up unexpectedly with a “Looks like you’re writing a letter. Need help?”

    Thirst Trap

    Thirst traps have long been a way for people to show off their bodies and garner attention on social media. But in the Gen Z dating world, thirst traps have taken on a new meaning. Posting a particularly alluring photo or video to attract the attention of a potential love interest is now known as a thirst trap. It’s a way to show off your best features and let someone know you’re interested without being too forward.


    Simping is a term used to describe someone who is overly eager to please their romantic interest. In the Gen Z dating world, simping is seen as a negative trait, as it implies that someone is sacrificing their own needs and desires in order to gain the attention or affection of someone else. It can also refer to someone who is blindly devoted to their partner, even if they are being mistreated or taken advantage of. In short, simping is not a desirable trait in a romantic partner.

    Understanding these terms won’t just keep you up to date; it’s about navigating the complexities of modern dating. These slang words shed light on the evolving dynamics and attitudes toward relationships among younger generations.