Today marks the 69th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day – this is the day that combat officially ended during World War II and is considered the end of the war.
In celebration, London burst into a day and night of euphoria as the British people threw off the shackles of wartime austerity and had a party for the first time since 1939. The bells rang out in celebration after being silenced for the war. The blackouts ended and London was lit up with life again.
First, before we get to the pictures, here’s a short speech from Winston Churchill he made on VE Day – it’s actually one of my favorites of all his speeches. After the pictures, there are a couple old newsreels of the day that are also worth watching.

Here is some rare color footage of the celebrations on the day:
Video: Winston Churchill and the Queen on VE day
What a day it must have been! Would love to have been there!
Wonderful, nostalgic photos – I remember it well.
After celebrating in Trafalgar Square & St. James’s Park I walked all the way home to Hampstead – no buses running that day!! There’ll always be an England – London Pride and all that.
Walked all the way to Hampstead, that was a bloody long walk. Didn’t know what I was missing until I moved here USA. Still homesick.
Was in Piccadilly hearing being sung from a balcony
We are going to get lit up when the lights go on in London
Don’t remember who sang. Does anyone else?
Then back to the Middlesex Hospital to deal with the injuries from the excitement!!!